- Objavljeno: 06.08.2021.
Javni poziv za podnošenje obvezujućih ponuda za kupnju broda NOV 514 u vlasništvu RH / Public invitation for submission of binding offers for the purchase of the vessel Hull 514 owned by the Republic of Croatia
Republika Hrvatska, Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja objavljuje:
1. Opće informacije
Ovaj javni poziv odnosi se na prodaju broda za prijevoz automobila i kamiona - Gradnja br. 514 (u nastavku: „BROD“), za koji je društvo Uljanik d.d. dana 20. svibnja 2015. s društvom 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. Rijeka sklopilo Ugovor o izgradnji broda (s Dodacima) te ga izgradilo do stanja gotovosti od 79,5%. Izgradnja BRODA temeljem navedenog ugovora obustavljena je kao posljedica otvaranja stečajnog postupka nad Uljanikom d.d. U istom stanju gotovosti BROD je bio i na dan sklapanja Ugovora o završetku gradnje broda za prijevoz automobila i kamiona - gradnja br. 514, sklopljenog dana 20. travnja 2021. godine između: (i) Republike Hrvatske, zastupane po Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja, kao vlasnika BRODA i naručitelja radova završetka BRODA i (ii) društva 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. Rijeka kao izvoditelja radova završetka BRODA (u nastavku: „Ugovor o dovršetku gradnje“), a temeljem kojega se BROD trenutno dovršava u brodogradilištu 3. Maj u Rijeci.
2. Oznaka klase: I, +HULL, +MACH, Ro-ro cargoship/ PureCar & Truck carrier Unrestricted navigation, VeriSTAR-HULL, + AUT-UMS; SYS-NEQ; MON-SHAFT; INWATER SURVEY, CLEANSHIP, BWT, GREEN PASSPORT
3. Glavne značajke i/ili dimenzije i/ili karakteristike BRODA:
(a) Trup: Duljina preko svega 199,76 m
Duljina između okomica 188,64 m
Širina (maks.) 32,25 m
Visina do gl. palube 32,11 m
Visina do slob. palube 14,52 m
Gaz konstrukcijski 8,00 m
Gaz projektni 8,80 m
Nosivost na projektnom gazu oko 17.170 t
Brzina na konstrukcijskom gazu 19,50 kn
(b) Pogonski stroj
Glavni pogonski stroj BRODA je 1 (jedan) brodski pogonski dizel stroj MAN B&W ULJANIK 7S50 ME-B9.5, koji razvija ugovorenu maksimalnu izlaznu trajnu snagu od 11 200 kW pri 117 okretaja/minuti.
(c) Nosivost
Ugovorom o dovršetku gradnje predviđeno je da će ukupna nosivost BRODA po dovršenosti iznositi 13.370 metr. tona u morskoj vodi gustoće 1.025 t/m3, a pri konstrukcijskom gazu BRODA od 8.00 metara.
(d) Brzina
Prema Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje, BROD će, opterećen tako da zagazi do konstrukcijskog gaza od 8,00 m te pri 85% razvijene izlazne trajne snage glavnog pogonskog stroja CMCR od 9520 kW, upotrijebljene isključivo za pogon BRODA, razvijati srednju brzinu od najmanje 19.5 čvorova u uvjetima glatke površine uronjenog dijela trupa te mirnog mora (vjetar ne jači od 2 stupnja Beaufortove skale na moru dubine ne manje od 50 m).
(e) Potrošnja goriva
Potrošnja goriva glavnog pogonskog stroja je utvrđena prigodom radioničkog pokusa, a sukladno zahtjevima Tehničkog opisa, pri izlaznoj snazi glavnog pogonskog stroja od 11.170 kW pri 117 okretaja/minuti na FAT 514 je iznosila 166,7 g/kWh, a pri uporabi goriva kalorijske vrijednosti koja iznosi 42.707 kJ/kg, te u referentnim uvjetima propisanim standardom ISO 3046/1.
(f) Netto Parking površina
Ugovorom o dovršetku gradnje predviđeno je da BROD ima oko 58.819 m2 nezapriječene palubne površine (površina rampi uključena) za siguran smještaj oko 6.952 vozila RT tipa (4.125 x 1.550 mm), tj. visokih, teških vozila.
(g) Država zastave
Prema Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje, BROD se gradi za potrebe upisa pod zastavu Republike Liberije.
(h) Standard izrade
Prema Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje, BROD će biti dovršen uz pridržavanje pravila i zahtjeva Klasifikacijskog društva Bureau Veritas te relevantnih regulatornih tijela, kao i u skladu sa standardnom brodograđevnom praksom za brodove ovog tipa.
4. Upis
BROD je trenutno upisan u ulošku broj 270349 hrvatskog upisnika brodova kao brod u gradnji.
Nakon dovršetka BRODA i njegove primopredaje naručitelju – Republici Hrvatskoj, te ukoliko ne bude prodan temeljem ovog javnog pozivu, BROD će biti upisan u upisnik brodova Republike Liberije.
5. Rok dovršetka BRODA: Prema Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje, rok dovršetka i primopredaje BRODA naručitelju – Republici Hrvatskoj je 11 kalendarskih mjeseci od datuma plaćanja prvog mjesečnog obroka ugovorne cijene sukladno članku X, stavak 2.1. Ugovora o dovršetku gradnje. Prema trenutno dostupnim podacima, predviđa se da će taj rok biti 1. lipnja 2022. godine.
Za obračun konačnog iznosa kupoprodajne cijene u slučaju prodaje BRODA u nedovršenom stanju – vidjeti točku V, točka 2, pod-točka 2.2.
Kao preduvjet za sudjelovanje u kupnji BRODA, svaki ponuditelj dužan je, kao sastavni dio svoje Ponude, dostaviti Jamstvo za ozbiljnost ponude u iznosu od 2.000.000,00 EUR (dva milijuna eura) (ili protuvrijednost u kunama kako je dolje navedeno), što predstavlja 5% (pet posto) iznosa najniže prihvatljive cijene iz točke II. (u daljnjem tekstu: „Jamstvo“) i to u jednom od sljedećih prihvaćenih oblika:
(a) bankarska garancija izdana od banke čiji je kreditni rejting agencija Standard & Poor's (ili druga ekvivalentna međunarodna institucija) ocijenila najmanje ocjenom A (ili ekvivalent istoj ocjeni), a koja je bezuvjetna, neopoziva i izdana na prvi poziv;
(b) novčani polog.
U slučaju dostave bankarske garancije, ista mora sadržavati sljedeće:
· da je kao korisnik garancije navedena: REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA, MINISTARSTVO FINANCIJA;
· da se banka - jamac obvezuje bezuvjetno i neopozivo te na prvi pisani poziv korisnika garancije isplatiti korisniku garancije, bez umanjenja na ime bankarskih naknada i troškova, iznos naveden u pozivu korisnika, a koji neće premašivati iznos od 2.000.000,00 EUR (dva milijuna eura) EUR (ili protuvrijednost u kunama prema srednjem tečaju Hrvatske narodne banke na dan izdavanja garancije).
Ponuditelj koji se odluči za novčani polog kao vid Jamstva mora uplatiti predmetni iznos novčanog pologa na sljedeći bankovni račun:
Uplate u hrvatskim kunama u zemlji i iz inozemstva (ako uplatitelj ima OIB):
- Banka, naziv i adresa: Hrvatska narodna banka, Trg hrvatskih velikana 3,
10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska
-Primatelj, naziv i adresa: Republika Hrvatska – Ministarstvo financija,
Katančićeva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Model/poziv na broj-referenca: HR64 9725-47053-OIB uplatitelja
- Opis plaćanja: Novogradnja 514 – Jamstvo za ozbiljnost ponude
Uplate u hrvatskim kunama iz inozemstva (ako uplatitelj nema OIB):
- Bank Name and Address: Croatian National Bank, Trg hrvatskih
velikana 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- Beneficiary Name and Address: Republic of Croatia - Ministry of Finance,Katanciceva 5,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Remittance Info – Remarks: HR64 9725-47053-514
- Payment description: Hull 514 – Bid Security
Devizne uplate iz inozemstva:
- Bank Name and Address: Croatian National Bank, Trg hrvatskih velikana 3,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- Beneficiary Name and Address: Republic of Croatia - Ministry of Finance, Katanciceva 5,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Remittance Info – Remarks: RKP – 47053
- Payment description: Hull 514 – Bid Security
Jamstvo (tj. bankarska garancija ili potvrda uplate novčanog pologa) dostavlja se u pisanom obliku te čini sastavni dio ponude. Ako je dostavljeno u obliku bankarske garancije, Jamstvo se ne uvezuje s ostalom dokumentacijom već se prilaže umetnuto u prozirnu plastičnu omotnicu. Tada se omotnica povezuje s ostatkom dokumentacije tako da čini neodvojivu cjelinu. Brojevi stranica se ne pišu na bankarskoj garanciji nego na prozirnoj plastičnoj omotnici. Prozirna omotnica s Jamstvom (ako je u obliku bankarske garancije) mora se zatvoriti pomoću jedne ili više naljepnica, čime vađenje jamstva iz omotnice postaje nemoguće bez trganja naljepnice. Jamstvo (ako je u obliku bankarske garancije) mora biti neoštećeno. Ako je Jamstvo u obliku bankarske garancije dostavljeno probušeno, učvršćeno klamericom, zalijepljeno, vezano ili oštećeno na neki drugi način, ponuda će se smatrati nevažećom.
Razdoblje valjanosti Jamstva ne smije biti kraće od roka valjanosti ponude.
IV. ROK ZA PODNOŠENJE PONUDA: 15. rujna 2021. godine.
1. Prihvaćanje uvjeta
Podnošenjem ponude temeljem ovog javnog poziva, svaki ponuditelj prihvaća sve uvjete navedene u ovom javnom pozivu i dokumentaciji objavljenoj u privitku ovog javnog poziva.
2. Modeli prodaje BRODA
Prodaja BRODA može se – prema odabiru najpovoljnijeg ponuditelja – obaviti prema jednom od slijedeća dva modela i uz slijedeće glavne uvjete:
2.1. Prodaja BRODA u dovršenom stanju
Predmetom kupoprodaje je BROD u dovršenom stanju, nakon što od strane 3. Maj Brodogradilišta d.d. bude vraćen prodavatelju u posjed, i to kao samovlasništvo Republike Hrvatske, slobodan od upisanih ili neupisanih stvarnopravnih tereta.
Mjesto primopredaje BRODA je brodogradilište 3. Maj, Rijeka, Republika Hrvatska.
Rizik za BROD prelazi na kupca u trenutku potpisivanja primopredajnog zapisnika između prodavatelja - Republike Hrvatske i kupca, a kojim se potvrđuje da je BROD predan kupcu (u nastavku: „Primopredajni zapisnik“).
Svi troškovi (uključujući, bez ograničenja, lučke naknade) u vezi BRODA nastali do trenutka potpisivanja Primopredajnog zapisnika padaju na teret prodavatelja. Svi takvi troškovi nastali od trenutka potpisivanja Primopredajnog zapisnika na dalje padaju na teret kupca.
Budući da je u trenutku sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora BROD djelomično dovršen, kupac će imati pravo odbiti BROD i raskinuti kupoprodajni ugovor u slučajevima koji su predviđeni Ugovorom o kupoprodaji. U slučaju takva raskida kupoprodajnog ugovora, prodavatelj će kupcu odmah vratiti Jamstvo i Depozit (kako je definiran Kupoprodajnim ugovorom), ako je različit od Jamstva te ako ga je kupac u međuvremenu uplatio, te izuzev toga neće imati nikakvih daljnjih obveza ili odgovornosti prema kupcu po osnovi kupoprodajnog ugovora ili bilo kojoj drugoj osnovi vezano uz BROD ili ovaj javni poziv.
Nakon sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora, odabranom kupcu će na njegov zahtjev biti omogućeno da na vlastiti trošak i rizik organizira i vrši praćenje tijeka radova na dovršetku BRODA putem svog ovlaštenog predstavnika. Kupčev ovlašteni predstavnik imat će pravo pregleda BRODA i tehničke dokumentacije, kao i pravo prodavateljevom ovlaštenom predstavniku predlagati izmjene u vrsti i načinu izvođenja radova dovršetka BRODA. Tako predložene izmjene provest će se jedino ako ih prodavatelj prihvati i ako u tom pogledu postigne sporazum s 3. Maj brodogradilištem d.d., sve kako je podrobnije uređeno Ugovorom o kupoprodaji.
Ugovor o kupoprodaji sklopit će se u formi predviđenoj u Obrascu 1 priloženom uz ovaj javni poziv, uz eventualne izmjene i dopune o kojima se ugovorne strane sporazumiju u smislu točke (b) dolje. Sklapanje Ugovora o kupoprodaji uslijedit će po prethodnom odobrenju Vlade Republike Hrvatske.
Svaki ponuditelj koji se u svojoj ponudi opredijeli za kupnju broda u dovršenom stanju dužan je u ponudi navesti jedno od slijedećega:
(a) da u cijelosti prihvaća tekst kupoprodajnog ugovora sadržan u Obrascu 1 uz ovaj javni poziv, te da se - ukoliko bude proglašen izabranim ponuditeljem u smislu ovog javnog poziva - obvezuje potpisati kupoprodajni ugovor sukladno Obrascu 1;
(b) da tekst kupoprodajnog ugovora sadržanog u Obrascu 1 uz ovaj javni poziv ne prihvaća u cijelosti, nego uz izmjene koje navodi u ponudi, te da se – ukoliko bude proglašen izabranim ponuditeljem u smislu ovog javnog poziva – obvezuje potpisati kupoprodajni ugovor sukladno Obrascu 1 s izmjenama navedenima u ponudi, pod uvjetom da se prodavatelj s njima suglasi.
2.2. Prodaja BRODA u nedovršenom stanju
Predmetom kupoprodaje je BROD u nedovršenom stanju, odnosno u stanju gotovosti u kojemu se bude nalazio u trenutku sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora, slobodan od upisanih ili neupisanih stvarnopravnih tereta.
Sklapanje kupoprodajnog ugovora uvjetovano je istovremenim sklapanjem sporazuma o prijenosu Ugovora o dovršetku gradnje. Taj sporazum ima se sklopiti između Republike Hrvatske kao originalnog naručitelja, kupca kao novog naručitelja i društva 3. Maj brodogradilište d.d. kao brodograditelja. Navedenim sporazumom, Republika Hrvatska kao originalni naručitelj prenosi na kupca kao novog naručitelja sva prava i obveze po Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje, a 3. Maj brodogradilište d.d. pristaje na taj prijenos, slijedom čega Republika Hrvatska prestaje biti ugovornom stranom Ugovora o dovršetku gradnje, a kupac to postaje.
Mjesto primopredaje BRODA je brodogradilište 3. Maj, Rijeka, Republika Hrvatska.
Rizik za BROD prelazi na kupca u trenutku potpisivanja primopredajnog zapisnika između prodavatelja - Republike Hrvatske i kupca, a kojim se potvrđuje da je BROD predan kupcu u nedovršenom stanju (u nastavku: „Primopredajni zapisnik“).
Svi troškovi (uključujući, bez ograničenja, lučke naknade) u vezi BRODA nastali do trenutka potpisivanja Primopredajnog zapisnika padaju na teret prodavatelja. Svi takvi troškovi nastali od trenutka potpisivanja Primopredajnog zapisnika na dalje padaju na teret kupca.
Kupoprodajna cijena uključuje naknadu za: (i) prijenos vlasništva i posjeda na BRODU u korist kupca temeljem kupoprodajnog ugovora, te (ii) prijenos u korist kupca prodavateljevih prava i obveza temeljem sporazuma o prijenosu Ugovora o dovršetku gradnje. Iznos kupoprodajne cijene odgovarat će razlici između: (i) cijene koju je kupac ponudio u natječaju i koja je prihvaćena kao najpovoljnija i (ii) dijela ugovorne cijene prema Ugovoru o dovršetku gradnje koji u trenutku sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora još nije isplaćen 3. MAJ brodogradilištu d.d.
Budući da se BROD prodaje u nedovršenom stanju, prodaja se obavlja po načelu „viđeno – kupljeno“.
Ugovor o kupoprodaji sklopit će se u formi o kojoj se ugovorne strane sporazumiju. Ugovor mora biti prethodno odobren od strane Vlade Republike Hrvatske.
3. Plaćanje kupoprodajne cijene (primjenjivo na model iz točke 2.1. kao i na model iz točke 2.2.)
Plaćanje pune kupoprodajne cijene predstavlja uvjet za predaju BRODA kupcu. U kupoprodajnu cijenu uračunava se iznos Jamstva, ako je ono dostavljeno u obliku novčanog pologa sukladno točki III, pod-točka (b) ovih uvjeta.
Kupoprodajna cijena plaća se u dva dijela i to:
(a) prvi dio, u iznosu od 5% (pet posto) iznosa najniže prihvatljive cijene iz točke II. (u nastavku: „Depozit“) – plativ u roku od 3 (tri) dana od dana sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora; te
(b) drugi dio, koji odgovara razlici između kupoprodajne cijene i Depozita – plativ kod primopredaje BRODA kupcu.
Ako je kupac dostavio Jamstvo u obliku novčanog pologa sukladno točki III, pod-točka (b), smatrat će se da je time ispunio obvezu plaćanja Depozita te će se taj novčani polog smatrati Depozitom.
Svaka ponuda podnesena u prvoj fazi natječaja mora sadržavati najmanje:
- izjavu ponuditelja o tome odnosi li se ponuda na kupnju broda u dovršenom stanju (točka V, stavak 2.1.) ili na kupnju broda u nedovršenom stanju (točka V, stavak 2.2) ili na oboje;
- iznos ponuđene kupoprodajne cijene, izražen u eurima;
- podatke o podnositelju ponude (prebivalište odnosno sjedište ponuditelja ako je pravna osoba, broj telefona, e-mail adresa);
- ako se ponuda dostavlja putem posrednika ili predstavnika - naznaku o tome;
- osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB) ponuditelja, odnosno odgovarajući identifikacijski broj subjekta u državi sjedišta;
- izvadak iz sudskog registra (za domaće pravne osobe) odnosno izvadak iz domicilnog registra ili drugu odgovarajuću ispravu, s ovjerenim prijevodom sudskog tumača na hrvatski jezik (za strane pravne osobe);
- naziv banke i broj računa ponuditelja za povrat jamčevine u slučaju da ponuditelj sukladno ovim uvjetima ostvaruje pravo na povrat jamčevine;
- izjavu ponuditelja ovjerenu kod javnog bilježnika kojom potvrđuje da:
(i) u cijelosti prihvaća uvjete natječaja sadržane u ovom javnom pozivu;
(ii) (ovisno o odabranom modelu kupnje i prihvaćanju ili neprihvaćanju teksta kupoprodajnog ugovora) - (i) u cijelosti prihvaća tekst kupoprodajnog ugovora sadržan u Obrascu 1 uz ovaj javni poziv, te se - ukoliko bude proglašen izabranim ponuditeljem u smislu ovog javnog poziva - obvezuje potpisati kupoprodajni ugovor sukladno Obrascu 1 pod uvjetom prethodne suglasnosti Vlade Republike Hrvatske (za slučaj predviđen točkom V, stavak 2.1, pod-točka (a)) ili (ii) tekst kupoprodajnog ugovora sadržanog u Obrascu 1 uz ovaj javni poziv ne prihvaća u cijelosti, nego uz izmjene koje navodi u ponudi, te se – ukoliko bude proglašen izabranim ponuditeljem u smislu ovog javnog poziva – obvezuje potpisati kupoprodajni ugovor sukladno Obrascu 1 s izmjenama navedenima u ponudi pod uvjetom prethodne suglasnosti Vlade Republike Hrvatske (za slučaj predviđen točkom V, stavak 2.1, pod-točka (b)) ili (iii) se obvezuje o svom trošku sklopiti ugovor o kupoprodaji koji bude sporazumom utvrđen između ugovornih strana pod uvjetom prethodne suglasnosti Vlade Republike Hrvatske (za slučaj predviđen točkom V, stavak 2.2.);
(iii) njegova ponuda ostaje na snazi od datuma podnošenja do isteka 90 dana nakon dana zaključenja natječaja.
Ponuda i cjelokupna pripadajuća dokumentacija mora na svakoj stranici biti označena unošenjem broja stranice i ukupnog broja stranica (npr.: „1/10“, „2/10“, „3/10“) pri čemu se brojevi stranica moraju nizati u neprekinutom aritmetičkom nizu. Izuzev kako je navedeno u točki III. u pogledu Jamstva koje se dostavlja u obliku bankarske garancije, ponuda i cjelokupna pripadajuća dokumentacija mora biti uvezana u cjelinu na način da je prošivena i spojena vrpcom (npr. jamstvenikom). Ponude koje nisu numerirane i uvezane na opisani način, smatrat će se nevaljanim te iste neće biti predmetom razmatranja.
Rok za dostavu ponuda u prvoj fazi natječaja naveden je u točki IV. ovog javnog poziva.
Ponuda i prilozi uz ponudu dostavljaju se u zatvorenoj omotnici.
Na prednjoj strani i poleđini omotnice potrebno je napisati šifru broda u oglasu uz upozorenje “PONUDA ZA KUPNJU BRODA 514 - NE OTVARATI“
Ponude se podnose predajom u pisarnicu Ministarstva gospodarstva i održivog razvoja ili putem pošte na adresu: Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb.
Kao dan predaje ponude smatra se dan zaprimanja ponude u Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja.
Ponude zaprimljene u Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja po isteku roka za dostavu ponuda smatrat će se nepravovremeno podnesenima i neće biti uzete u razmatranje.
Natječaj se sastoji od dvije faze.
U prvoj fazi natječaja, po isteku roka za podnošenje ponuda stručno tijelo prodavatelja – Republike Hrvatske (u nastavku: „Stručno tijelo“), izvršit će otvaranje i ocjenu ponuda, te među pravovremeno podnesenim i urednim ponudama odabrati tri (3) ponude koje sadrže najviše iznose ponuđene kupoprodajne cijene. O tome će Stručno tijelo pisanim putem obavijestiti podnositelje navedenih ponuda te ih pozvati da sudjeluju u drugoj fazi natječaja. Ostale sudionike natječaja Stručno tijelo obavijestit će da nisu pozvani na sudjelovanje u drugoj fazi natječaja te zatražiti da se izjasne žele li da im Jamstvo bude vraćeno odmah ili po okončanju natječaja.
U drugoj fazi natječaja, ponuditelji koji su ušli u drugu fazu bit će obaviješteni o najvišoj pristigloj ponudi te će im se dati mogućnost da korigiraju svoju ponudu na način da njezin iznos povećaju iznad iznosa najviše ponude pristigle u prvoj fazi. U slučaju da bilo koji od ponuditelja pozvanih na sudjelovanje u drugoj fazi natječaja odustane od sudjelovanja, Stručno tijelo će umjesto njega u drugi krug natječaja pozvati ponuditelja čija je ponuda najviša nakon ponuda trojice ponuditelja prvotno pozvanih na sudjelovanje u drugoj fazi natječaja, a pod uvjetom da taj ponuditelj u međuvremenu nije zatražio povrat Jamstva.
Najpovoljnijim ponuditeljem smatra se ponuditelj koji je ponudio najvišu cijenu za BROD, pod uvjetom da je ona viša od najniže prihvatljive cijene. Takav ponuditelj smatra se izabranim ponuditeljem, te će biti pozvan na sklapanje kupoprodajnog ugovora. Ako među podnesenim ponudama ima onih koje se odnose na kupnju BRODA u dovršenom stanju kao i onih koje se odnose na kupnju BRODA u nedovršenom stanju, prodavatelj će sukladno sadržaju podnesenih ponuda slobodno i po vlastitom nahođenju odlučiti hoće li najpovoljnijeg ponuditelja izabrati iz jedne ili druge skupine.
U roku od 15 (petnaest) dana od primitka poziva na sklapanje kupoprodajnog ugovora, izabrani ponuditelj dužan je potpisati kupoprodajni ugovor i potpisane primjerke dostaviti Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja. U protivnom, Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja nije vezano odlukom o izboru najboljeg ponuditelja, a izabrani ponuditelj gubi pravo na povrat Jamstva i odgovara Republici Hrvatskoj za svaku štetu koja nastane uslijed njegova postupanja. U takvom slučaju, kao i u slučaju da najpovoljniji ponuditelj odustane od ponude prije nego što bude pozvan na sklapanje kupoprodajnog ugovora, izabranim ponuditeljem bit će proglašen ponuditelj koji je dostavio slijedeću najpovoljniju ponudu u jednoj ili drugoj skupini ponuda.
Nakon sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora, ponuditeljima koji nisu izabrani kao najpovoljniji ponuditelj se Jamstvo – ako je dano u obliku novčanog pologa - vraća se uplatiteljima bez kamate, a ako je dano u obliku bankarske garancije – vraća se ponuditeljima preporučenom poštom na adresu ponuditelja navedenu u ponudi, a Jamstvo dano od strane najpovoljnijeg ponuditelja zadržava se.
Svaka ponuda smatra se obvezujućom.
Sve ponude moraju biti izražene u EUR-ima.
Svim zainteresiranim osobama omogućit će se inspekcija BRODA, kao i uvid u Ugovor o dovršetku gradnje i u tehničku dokumentaciju BRODA pod uvjetom da se isti obavljaju na trošak i rizik sudionika, za trajanja radnog vremena 3. Maj Brodogradilišta d.d, da su pravoremeno najavljeni, te da se njima ne remeti proizvodni proces 3. Maj Brodogradilišta d.d., kao i uz uvjet čuvanja povjerljivosti tako dobivenih podataka, o čemu će se sa svakim sudionikom sklopiti ugovor o čuvanju povjerljivosti podataka. Inspekcija BRODA i uvid u navedenu dokumentaciju dogovaraju se izravno s 3. MAJ Brodogradilištem d.d. uz korištenje slijedećih kontakt podataka:
Adresa: Liburnijska 3, 51000 Rijeka
Osoba za kontakt: Siniša Ostojić
Telefon: +385992281207
Email: sinisa.ostojic@3maj.hr
Ukoliko ponudu podnese posrednik ili predstavnik, dužan je navesti da nastupa u ime i za račun nalogodavatelja. U prvoj fazi postupka, posrednik ili predstavnik nije dužan otkriti identitet nalogodavatelja, ali je to dužan učiniti u drugoj fazi postupka. Postupanje posrednika ili predstavnika tijekom natječaja u cijelosti je na rizik i trošak nalogodavatelja.
U slučaju da isti ponuditelj dostavi više ponuda, mjerodavnom će se smatrati jedino ponuda s najvećim iznosom ponuđene cijene. U slučaju da isti posrednik ili predstavnik podnosi više ponuda za različite nalogodavatelje, dužan je navesti da se različite ponude podnose u ime i za račun različitih nalogodavatelja, a u protivnom će se mjerodavnom smatrati jedino ponuda s najvećim iznosom ponuđene cijene.
Natječaj se smatra zaključenim danom sklapanja kupoprodajnog ugovora za BROD ili danom donošenja odluke prodavatelja o odustanku od prodaje BRODA ili o tome da ne prihvaća ni jednu od pristiglih ponuda.
Podnošenjem ponude ponuditelj daje izričitu suglasnost Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja da može prikupljati, koristiti i dalje obrađivati date podatke u svrhu provedbe postupka javnog prikupljanja ponuda, sukladno propisima o zaštiti osobnih podataka, te iste javno objaviti sukladno Zakonu o pravu na pristup informacijama.
Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja neće javno objavljivati podatke ni o jednom od ponuditelja čija ponuda nije izabrana kao najpovoljnija kao ni o sadržaju njihovih ponuda.
Prodavatelj – Republika Hrvatska zadržava pravo u svako doba prije potpisivanja kupoprodajnog ugovora po vlastitom nahođenju odustati od prodaje BRODA kao i ne prihvatiti ni jednu od zaprimljenih ponuda i to bez navođenja razloga. U takvom slučaju, svi sudionici natječaja bit će obaviješteni o odustanku od prodaje odnosno o neprihvaćanju zaprimljenih ponuda, te će biti izvršen povrat uplaćenih jamčevina (uključujući i jamčevinu uplaćenu od strane najpovoljnijeg ponuditelja) bez prava na kamatu, nakon čega Republika Hrvatska neće imati nikakvih daljnjih obveza ili odgovornosti prema bilo kojem ponuditelju ili njegovu predstavniku.
Obrazac 1
The Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development is announcing:
I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VESSEL: 1. General information
This public invitation concerns the sale of a RO-RO vessel intended for transport of cars and trucks – Hull No. 514 (hereinafter: the VESSEL), for which on May 20th, 2015 the company Uljanik d.d. concluded the Shipbuilding Contract (as amended from time to time) with the company 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. Rijeka and completed the construction at the level of 79.5%. The construction of the VESSEL, pursuant to the subject contract, was suspended as a consequence of the opening of bankruptcy proceedings against Uljanik d.d. The VESSEL was at the same stage of completion on the day of conclusion of the “Agreement on the Completion of Construction of a Vessel for the Carriage of Cars and Trucks – Hull No. 514” entered into on April 20th, 2021 between the Republic of Croatia acting through the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, as the owner of the VESSEL and the ordering party of the works for completion of the VESSEL and the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. Rijeka, as the builder for the completion works of the VESSEL (hereinafter: the Completion Agreement), pursuant to which the VESSEL is currently being completed at the 3. Maj Shipyard in Rijeka.
2. Classification: I, + HULL, + MACH, Ro-ro cargoship/PureCar & Truck carrier Unrestricted navigation, VeriSTAR-HULL, + AUT-UMS; SYS-NEQ; MON-SHAFT; INWATER SURVEY, CLEANSHIP, BWT, GREEN PASSPORT
3. Main particulars and/or dimensions and/or characteristics of the VESSEL:
(a) Hull: LOA 199.76 m
LBP 188.64 m
Beam 32.25 m
Depth to the main deck 32.11 m
Depth to freeboard deck 14.52 m
Construction draft 8.00 m
Design draft 8.80 m
Deadweight at design draft about 17,170 t
Speed at construction draft 19.50 knots
(b) Main engine
The main propulsion engine of the VESSEL shall be 1 (one) marine diesel engine MAN B&W ULJANIK 7S50 ME-B9.5, with a contracted maximum continuous rated power of 11,200 kW at 117 rpm.
(c) Deadweight
The Completion Agreement stipulates that upon completion the total deadweight of the VESSEL shall amount to 13.370 t in seawater with a specific weight of 1.025 t/m3 and at construction draft of 8.00 m.
(d) Speed
According to the Completion Agreement, the VESSEL, loaded to reach the construction draft of 8.00 m and at 85% of CMCR amounting to 9520 kW, used exclusively for the propulsion of the VESSEL, shall reach a service speed of at least 19.5 knots in conditions of a smooth immersed part of the hull and calm sea (wind not exceeding 2 degrees on the Beaufort scale at sea with a depth of not less than 50 m).
(e) Fuel consumption
The fuel consumption of the main engine was determined in a workshop test, and in accordance with the Technical Specifications, at output power of the main engine of 11.170 kW at 117 rpm in FAT 514, amounted to 166.7 g/kWh, using fuel with the calorific value of 42.707 kJ/kg and under reference conditions prescribed by ISO 3046/1.
(f) Net garage area
According to the Completion Agreement, the VESSEL shall have approximately 58,819 m2 of unobstructed deck area (ramp surface area included) for safe stowage of approximately 6,952 RT vehicles (4,125 x 1,550 mm), i.e. high, heavy-duty vehicles.
(g) Flag State
According to the Completion Agreement, after the completion the VESSEL shall be registered under the flag of the Republic of Liberia.
(h) Construction Standard
According to the Completion Agreement, the VESSEL shall be completed in compliance with the rules and requirements of the Bureau Veritas classification society and relevant regulatory authorities, as well in accordance with the standard shipbuilding practices applicable to vessels of the same type.
4. Registration
The VESSEL is currently registered under number 270349 of the Croatian Vessel Register as a vessel under construction.
After the completion of the VESSEL and its delivery to the Client – the Republic of Croatia, and if it is not sold as part of this public tender, the VESSEL shall be entered into the register of vessels of the Republic of Liberia.
5. Deadline for the completion of the VESSEL:
According to the Completion Agreement, the deadline for the completion and delivery of the VESSEL to the Client – the Republic of Croatia shall be 11 calendar months from the date of payment of the first monthly instalment of the contract price in accordance with Article X, paragraph 2.1 of the Completion Agreement. According to the currently available information, this deadline is expected to be June 1st, 2022.
For the calculation of the final purchase price in the event of the sale of an unfinished VESSEL — see item V, point 2, sub-point 2.2.
As a precondition for participation in the tender for the purchase of the VESSEL, each bidder shall, as an integral part of its bid, submit a tender guarantee in the amount of EUR 2,000,000.00 (two million euro) (or equivalent in HRK as indicated below), representing approx. 5% (five percent) of the amount of the minimum acceptable price referred to in point II (hereinafter: Bid Security) in one of the following manners:
(a) a bank guarantee issued by a bank whose credit rating has been rated by Standard & Poor's (or another equivalent international institution) as at least A (or equivalent to the same assessment), which is unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call;
(b) a cash deposit.
In case the Bidder is opting for a bank security as a form of Bid Security, a submitted bank guarantee must comply with the following conditions:
- REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, MINISTRY OF FINANCE shall be a guarantee beneficiary;
- the bank - guarantor shall undertake to pay the guarantee beneficiary unconditionally and irrevocably and upon first written call, without reduction in respect of bank charges and fees, the amount specified in the beneficiary's call, which shall not exceed EUR 2,000,00000 (two million euro) (or the equivalent in HRK at the mid-market exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank on the date of the issuance of the guarantee).
The Bidder opting for a cash deposit as a form of Bid Security shall pay the indicated amount of the cash deposit into the following bank account:
For payments within Croatia (if the Payer has OIB – personal identification number):
- Bank name and address: Hrvatska narodna banka, Trg hrvatskih velikana 3,
10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska
- Beneficiary Name and Address: Republika Hrvatska – Ministarstvo financija,
Katančićeva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Model and reference number: HR64 9725-47053-OIB of the Payer
- Description of the payment: Hull 514 – Bid Security
For payment in Croatian currency from abroad (if the Payer does not have OIB – personal identification number):
- Bank Name and Address: Croatian National Bank, Trg hrvatskih
velikana 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- Beneficiary Name and Address: Republic of Croatia - Ministry of Finance,
Katanciceva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Remittance Info – Remarks: HR64 9725-47053-514
- Payment description: Hull 514 – Bid Security
For payments in foreign currency:
- Bank Name and Address: Croatian National Bank, Trg hrvatskih velikana 3,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- Beneficiary Name and Address: Republic of Croatia - Ministry of Finance,
Katanciceva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
- Remittance Info – Remarks: RKP – 47053
- Payment description: Hull 514 – Bid Security
The Bid Security (i.e. bank guarantee or evidence of the cash deposit payment) shall be provided in writing and shall form an integral part of the bid. If submitted in the form of a bank guarantee, the Bid Security shall not be bound with other documentation and shall be submitted enclosed in a transparent plastic envelope. Only then shall the envelope be bound to the rest of the documentation so that it shall constitute an inseparable entirety. Page numbers shall not be written on the bank guarantee, but on the transparent plastic envelope. The transparent envelope containing the Bid Security (if in the form of a bank guarantee) shall be sealed by means of one or more stickers, making the removal of the guarantee from the envelope impossible without tearing a sticker. The Bid Security (if in the form of a bank guarantee) shall be intact. If the Bid Security in the form of a bank guarantee is delivered perforated, fastened with a staple, glued, bound or otherwise damaged, the bid shall be considered invalid.
The period of validity of the Guarantee shall not be less than the period of validity of the bid.
1. Acceptance of the terms
By submitting a bid based on this public invitation, each bidder shall accept all the terms set out in this public invitation and in the documentation attached hereto.
2. VESSEL sale models
The sale of the VESSEL, in line with the selection made by the most favourable bidder, may be carried out according to one of the following two models and under the following main terms:
2.1. Sale of a completed VESSEL
The subject of the sale is a completed VESSEL, after it is delivered by 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. into the possession of the Seller, in the form of sole ownership of the Republic of Croatia, free of any recorded or unrecorded proprietary burdens.
The location of handover of the VESSEL shall be 3. Maj Shipyard, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia.
The risks related to the VESSEL shall be transferred to the Buyer at the moment of signing of the handover minutes between the Seller – the Republic of Croatia and the Buyer, confirming that the VESSEL has been handed over to the Buyer (hereinafter: the Handover minutes).
All costs (including, but not limited to, port charges) related to the VESSEL incurred up to the time the Handover minutes is signed shall be borne by the Seller. All such costs incurred after the signing of the Handover minutes shall be borne by the Buyer.
Due to the fact that at the time of the conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement the VESSEL shall be partially completed, the Buyer shall have the right to refuse to accept the VESSEL and terminate the Sale and Purchase Agreement in the cases set forth by the Sale and Purchase Agreement. In the event of such termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Seller shall immediately return the Bid Security and Deposit (as defined in the Sale and Purchase Agreement) to the Buyer, if a Deposit shall be different from the Bid Security and if the Buyer has paid a Deposit in the meantime, and the Seller shall have no further obligations or responsibilities towards the Buyer under the Sale and Purchase Agreement or any other basis related to the VESSEL or this public invitation.
Upon the conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the selected Buyer shall, upon its request, be permitted to organize and monitor the course of works on the completion of the VESSEL at his own expense and risk through his authorised representative. The Buyer's authorised representative shall have the right to inspect the VESSEL and the technical documentation, as well as the right to propose changes to the Seller's authorised representative in the type and manner of execution of the works on the completion of the VESSEL. Such proposed changes shall be implemented only if accepted by the Seller and if the Seller reaches an agreement in this respect with the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d., as regulated in more detail by the Sale and Purchase Agreement.
The Sale and Purchase Agreement shall be concluded in the form provided for in Form 1 enclosed to this public invitation, including any amendments agreed between the Contracting Parties within the meaning of point (b) below. The conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement shall follow the prior approval of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
Each bidder opting for the purchase of a completed VESSEL shall indicate in his bid the following:
(a) that he fully accepts the text of the Sale and Purchase Agreement contained in Form 1 of this public invitation and that, if his bid is selected within the meaning of this public invitation, he undertakes to sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement in accordance with Form 1;
(b) that the text of the Sale and Purchase Agreement contained in Form 1 of this public invitation is not accepted in its entirety, but with amendments specified in his bid, and that, if selected within the meaning of this public invitation, he undertakes to sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement in accordance with Form 1 with the amendments specified in his bid, provided that the Seller agrees with amendments proposed by the bidder.
2.2. Sale of an unfinished VESSEL
The subject of the sale is an unfinished VESSEL, i.e. in the state of completion in which it shall be at the moment of concluding the Sale and Purchase Agreement, free of any recorded or unrecorded proprietary burdens.
The conclusion of a Sale and Purchase Agreement is conditional to the simultaneous conclusion of an Agreement on the transfer of the Completion Agreement. This agreement shall be concluded between the Republic of Croatia as the original ordering party, the Buyer as the new ordering party and the company 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. as the shipbuilder. By the aforementioned Agreement, the Republic of Croatia, as the original ordering party, shall transfer to the Buyer as the new ordering party all rights and obligations under the Completion Agreement, while 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. shall agree to this transfer, whereby the Republic of Croatia shall cease to be a contracting party to the Completion Agreement, while the Buyer shall become one.
The location of handover of the VESSEL shall be 3. Maj Shipyard, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia.
The risks related to the VESSEL shall be transferred to the Buyer at the moment of signing of the handover minutes between the Seller – the Republic of Croatia and the Buyer, confirming that the unfinished VESSEL has been handed over to the Buyer (hereinafter: the Handover minutes).
All costs (including, but not limited to, port charges) related to the VESSEL incurred up to the time the Handover minutes is signed shall be borne by the Seller. All such costs incurred after the signing of the Handover minutes shall be borne by the Buyer.
The purchase price shall include the remuneration for: (i) the transfer of ownership and possession over the VESSEL to the Buyer in accordance with the Sale and Purchase Agreement, and (ii) the transfer of the Seller's rights and obligations in accordance with the Agreement on the transfer of the Completion Agreement to the Buyer. The sale price will correspond to the difference between (i) the price offered by the Buyer in his bid in this public tender and accepted as the most advantageous and (ii) the part of the contract price according to the Completion Agreement, which has not yet been paid to the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. at the time the Sale and Purchase Agreement is concluded.
Since the VESSEL shall be sold unfinished, the sale shall take place according to the principle of “sold as seen”.
The Sale and Purchase Agreement shall be concluded in a form and content agreed between the contracting parties. The Agreement shall be subject to prior approval by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
3. Payment of the purchase price (applicable to the model referred to in point 2.1 as well as to the model referred to in point 2.2)
The payment of the full purchase price shall be a condition for the handover of the VESSEL to the Buyer. If the Bid Security has been provided in the form of a cash deposit in line with point III, sub-point (b) of these terms, the purchase price shall include the amount of the Bid Security.
The purchase price shall be paid in two instalments as follows:
(a) the first instalment, amounting to approx. 5% (five percent) of the amount of the minimum acceptable price referred to in point II (hereinafter_ the Deposit) — shall be payable within 3 (three) days from the date of the conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement;
(b) the second instalment, corresponding to the difference between the purchase price and the Deposit — shall be payable as at the moment of handover of the VESSEL to the Buyer. If the Buyer has provided a Bid Security in the form of a cash deposit pursuant to point III (b), it shall be deemed that the Buyer complied with the obligation to pay the Deposit and such paid cash deposit shall be considered as the Deposit.
Each bid submitted in the first stage of the tender must include at least:
- a declaration by the bidder as to whether the bid refers to the purchase of a completed VESSEL (point V, paragraph 2.1) or to the purchase of an unfinished VESSEL (point V, paragraph 2.2) or to both;
- the amount of the offered purchase price, expressed in euro;
- information on the bidder (domicile or registered seat of the bidder if it is a legal person, telephone number, e-mail address);
- where the bid is submitted through an intermediary or a representative - an indication thereof;
- the bidder’s personal identification number (OIB), that is, the relevant entity identification number in the country of establishment;
- extract from the Court Registry (for domestic legal persons) or extract from the domicile registry or other relevant document, with certified translation by a court interpreter into Croatian (for foreign legal persons);
- the name of the bank and the account number of the bidder for the refund of the guarantee in case the bidder is eligible for a guarantee refund in accordance with these terms;
- a declaration by the bidder certified by the notary public confirming that he:
(i) fully accept the terms and conditions of the tender contained in this public invitation;
(ii) (depending on the selected model of purchase and acceptance or non-acceptance of the text of the Sale and Purchase Agreement) - (i) accepts the text of the purchase agreement contained in Form 1 of this public invitation in full, and - if selected within the meaning of this public invitation–undertakes to sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement in accordance with Form 1 subject to prior approval by the Government of the Republic of Croatia (in the case provided for in point V, paragraph 2.1, sub-point (a)) or (ii) the text of the purchase agreement contained in Form 1 of this public invitation is not accepted by the bidder in its entirety, but with amendments specified in the bid, and, if selected within the meaning of this public invitation, undertakes to sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement in accordance with Form 1 with the amendments specified in the bid, subject to prior approval by the Government of the Republic of Croatia (in the case provided for in point V, paragraph 2.1, sub-point (b)) or (iii) shall at his own expense undertake to conclude a Sale and Purchase Agreement established by agreement between the Contracting Parties subject to prior approval by the Government of the Republic of Croatia (in the case provided for in item V, paragraph 2.2);
(iii) his bid shall remain in force from the date of submission until the expiration of 90 days after the date of closure of the tender.
The bid and the entire accompanying documentation shall be marked on each page by entering the page number and the total number of pages (e.g.: “1/10”, “2/10”, “3/10”) where the page numbers shall follow in a continuous arithmetic sequence. With the exception of point III as regards the Guarantee to be provided in the form of a bank guarantee, the bid and the entire accompanying documentation shall be bound together in such a way that it is sewn and bound by string (e.g. red tape). Bids that are not numbered and bound in the described manner shall be considered invalid.
The deadline for submitting bids in the first stage of the tender is set out in point IV of this public invitation.
The bid and documents annexed to the bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope.
On the front and back of the envelope it is necessary to write the vessel code indicated in the call with a note “BID TO PURCHASE VESSEL 514 - DO NOT OPEN”
Bids shall be submitted in person to the registry office of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development or by post to the following address: Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagreb.
The day of receipt of bid at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development shall be considered as day of submission of bids.
The bids received at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development after the deadline for submission of bids has expired shall be considered as submitted out of time and will not be taken into consideration.
The tender shall be carried out in two stages.
In the first stage of the tender, upon the expiry of the deadline for submitting bids, the expert body of the Seller – the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: Expert body) shall carry out the opening and evaluation of the bids, and shall, among the eligible bids submitted in a timely manner, select three (3) bids with the highest offered purchase price. The Expert body shall inform the elected bidders thereof in writing and invite them to participate the second stage of the tender. Other applicants shall be informed by the Expert body that they have not been invited to participate the second stage of the tender and shall invite them to declare whether they require their Bid Security to be released immediately or upon completion of the tender.
In the second stage of the tender, the bidders who are invited to participate the second stage shall be informed of the highest bid received and shall be granted with the opportunity to amend their bid by increasing the amount they initially offered to the amount which is above the amount of the highest bid received in the first stage. In the event that any of the bidders invited to participate the second stage of the tender withdraws, the Expert body shall, instead of the withdrawing bidder, invite the bidder whose bid was the highest following the bids of the three bidders initially invited to participate the second stage of the tender to participate the second stage of the tender, provided that the said bidder has not in the meantime requested the release of the Bid Security.
The most favourable bidder shall be the bidder who has offered the highest price for the VESSEL, provided that this price is higher than the minimum acceptable price. Such a bidder shall be considered as selected and shall be invited to conclude a Sale and Purchase Agreement. If, among the submitted bids, there are bids referring the purchase of a completed VESSEL as well as bids referring the purchase of an unfinished VESSEL, the Seller shall decide, freely and at his own discretion, whether the most favourable bidder shall be chosen from one or the other group of bids.
Within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the invitation to conclude a purchase agreement, the selected bidder shall be obligated to sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement and submit the signed copies of the agreement to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Otherwise, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development shall not be bound by the decision on the selection of the most favourable bidder, and the selected bidder shall lose the right to the release of the Bid Security and shall be liable to the Republic of Croatia for any damage caused by his actions. In such a case, as well as in the event that the most favourable bidder withdraws the bid before being invited to conclude a purchase agreement, the bidder who submitted the next most favourable bid in one or the other group of bids shall be declared as the selected bidder.
After the conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Bid Security shall be returned to the bidders who are not selected as the most favourable bidder— if provided in the form of a cash deposit — shall be released to the payers without interest, and if provided in the form of a bank guarantee — shall be returned to the bidders by registered post to the address of the bidder indicated in the bid, while the Bid Security provided by the most favourable bidder shall be retained.
All bids shall be considered binding.
All bids shall be expressed in EUR.
All interested parties shall be allowed to inspect the VESSEL, as well as to inspect the Completion Agreement and the technical documentation of the VESSEL, provided that this is carried out at the expense and risk of the participants, during working hours of the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d., that the visits have been properly announced and do not interfere with production process of the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d., as well as on the condition of confidentiality of the information thus obtained, whereupon a confidentiality agreement shall be concluded with each participant. The inspection of the VESSEL and inspection of the documentation shall be arranged directly with the 3. Maj Brodogradilište d.d. using the following contact details:
Address: Liburnijska 3, 51000 Rijeka
Contact person: Siniša Ostojić
Telephone: +385992281207
Email: sinisa.ostojic@3maj.hr
If the bid is submitted by an intermediary or a representative, this person shall state that he is acting on behalf and for the account of the principal. In the first stage of the proceedings, the intermediary or representative shall not be required to disclose the identity of the principal, but shall be obligated to do so in the second stage of the proceedings. The conduct of the intermediary or representative during the tender shall be entirely at the risk and cost of the principal.
In the event that the same bidder submits several bids, only the bid with the highest amount of the offered price shall be considered relevant. Where the same intermediary or representative submits multiple bids for different principals, it shall be stated that the different bids are submitted on behalf and for the account of different principals, otherwise only the bid with the highest amount of the offered price shall be considered relevant.
The tender shall be considered to have been concluded on the day of conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement for the VESSEL or on the day of the Seller's decision to withdraw from the sale of the VESSEL or the decision not to accept any of the received bids.
By submitting the bid, the bidder shall give explicit consent to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development for collection, use and further processing of data for the purpose of conducting the public tendering procedure, in accordance with the regulations on personal data protection, and make them public in accordance with the Act on the Right of Access to Information.
The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development shall not make public data on any of the bidders whose bid has not been selected as the most favourable nor the content of their bids.
The Seller – the Republic of Croatia shall reserve the right to withdraw, at its own discretion and at any time before the signing of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, from the sale of the VESSEL and not accept any of the received bids without obligation to indicate the reasons for withdrawal. In such a case, all bidders shall be informed of the withdrawal from the process of the sale, that is, the non-acceptance of the received bids, and the release of the paid securities (including the security paid by the most favourable bidder) shall be executed without the right to interest, after which the Republic of Croatia shall not have any further obligations or responsibilities towards any bidder or his representative.
Form 1